Sunday, February 1, 2009


Its time to finally post about my CHA trip. If you don't know what CHA is, it is the biggest craft and hobby show of the year. It was in Anaheim this year. This was my 5th winter CHA, so I feel pretty seasoned. I have been to Atlanta, Las Vegas and Anaheim (for the past 3 years). It is so fun to get to see all of the new product and visit with friends in the industry!

Jenny and I arrived on Saturday. Since we got there a little early, we got the opportunity to go to downtown Disney for some dinner and drinks. After that we also went to an SEI preview of their new products. We had a fun cab ride with some other Oregon business owners :).

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we stayed at the convention all day. It felt like we went from one side to another all day long!!! We actually got evacuated on Monday because of a small oven fire. It was a little hectic!

So, here are some things I liked. Some things work for our kits and some don't but I still liked a lot of what I saw!!

PaperTrunk - OK, so I am a little biased since I am great friends with the owner BUT her 2 new lines are awesome!!! I will be using both of them for add-on kits. You don't want to miss them!

FancyPants - Again, their papers were GORGEOUS! They were cute online but even better in person!!

Little Yellow Bicycle - They have 2 of the cutest baby lines I have seen in years!! I didn't order any of those but if I got enough requests, I may be game to do some baby lines. They also had 2 other lines I really liked but won't be available for a few months.

My Minds Eye - Loved all there new papers. They have now added die-cut papers which I always love! They have a knack of beautiful colors and textures.

Making Memories - Lots of fun embellies and die-cut papers. Unfortunately their stuff comes out over the next 4 months so it makes it hard to plan for.

7Gypsies - Had a beautiful line that would be perfect for the fall.

Bazzill - Has some really cute new embossed cardstocks

BoBunny - I really liked a lot of their lines. I can see myself scrapbooking with their product.

WeRMemory Keepers - Of course I loved Tiffany's line - in fact we are the FIRST company to have it this month! They are a company that does a lot of fabulous lines!!! I love that they change it up!

Basic Grey Lime Rickey - I love the color scheme for this line but the patterns by themselves were a little funky. I still don't know how I feel about this one.

One line that I think is funny that I liked is one by DCWV. It is an ourdoorsy one with even a skunk on a page. I can imagine a lot of camping layouts!

I was going to mention some of the things I DID not like at the show but decided against it. I don't need to rip on people's product - especially when I know much hard work it is to run a business.

I found some newer embellishment companies that we will use over the next few months. Lots of fun little details!!

While we were there we got to hang out with Carrie, Megan, Jess, and Corinne. We got to do dinner with the girls!
Jenny is a great travel partner. We have a ton of fun together and love to do spur of the moment things, like twilight Disneyland. With 2 adults, it is amazing how fast you can get from one place to the next and go on the big rides! Lots of fun!!! We definitely took pictures this year on our disney experience.

While I was gone, my hubby and great friend Carmen did an awesome job of taking care of the kiddos :) I am so lucky to have them!
Layle Koncar is going to guest design for us for March - WOOHOO!!! You will recognize this girly from Scenic Route. BY THE WAY - Scenic Route did announce a new line and it is very cute!!!!

BY THE WAY...... I won a Making Memories Slice!!!! I already have one so guess what???? I am going to do a BIG PROMOTION AND CONTEST on PERSONALSCRAPPER.COM to give this baby away to someone else. Stay tuned for more details...... Value ($150)


Anonymous said...

Perhaps my luck will be better with you give away than I had in Vegas. I was going to buy a Slice with my Vegas jackpot...but there wasn't one! LOL! I did win a jackpot (time with my boys) but not the cash kind!

Also, I would be game for a baby kit or add-on. I have not yet scrapped baby photos. However, I don't hing I need any baby girl stuff! LOL

Lisa in Texas said...

Oh MY!!! what a FUN giveaway, and I am so excited that Layle is going to be a guest designer, she is SO awesome. Erica, don't know how you do it, but your kits are the absolute best and the contest/challenges rock to! Can't wait to try my luck at winning a SLICE!!!!

Melanie said...

How fun to hear about your trip! I love your run-down of the products. BoBunny has come out with some great papers--I was hoping you'd see something you liked :) Oh, and I love the LYB stuff, too.

Lucky you winning the Slice--and so nice of you to give it away!

Unknown said...

How fun! I am meeting my family at Disneyland in May!! Looks like you had a great time!!

Star Rork said...

Arent you just full of awesome blogness. OK how cool Layle is going to guest design. And OMG I cant wait for the big contest...I want a slice so badly....

EmmaJ said...

I love the Making Memories apron your wearing! Congratulations on your win and thanks for sharing it with us.

Lynette Jacobs said...

I love that Layle will be guest designing. Wow...the slice what a give away...will be keeping my eyes peeled for the competition.

AmyInKy said...

I love your CHA updates. I fell in love with BG's Lime Rickey the first time I saw it on Kelly Goree's blog. How exciting that Layle will be guest designer for PS! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to hear more about that slice giveaway!

Carrie said...

Wow you lucky girl!

Unknown said...

How fun! Looks like you girls had a blast! Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the raffle!
Oh, and that apron is too cute!

Melanie said...

It looks like you had a great trip! I liked your review of the products...I'm sure you ordered great stuff for our kits, which I LOVE!

Wow...what a generous prize. That will be one lucky girl who wins the Slice.


:corinne: said...

wow I love the all the pics. It was great seeing you Erica. How exciting to have Layle Guest Design for PS. She's amazing. Thanks on the update with all the different manufacturers. I didn't get to go to all the booths this year, so it's nice to get someone opinion on the new stuff coming out.