Sunday, June 3, 2012

DAY 3 - In the beginning.....

Today - a story about how I got started with

  After my first son was born, I quit my job and decided to stay home.  I was really enjoying scrapbooking all of his baby milestones.  After about 8 months, I wanted to do some kind of "work" but also wanted to stay home with him.  I brainstormed about what would I like to do?  I researched a little bit and tried to think of something that would be fun!
    I decided to scrapbook for other people (hence I would be their "Personalscrapper").  I decided to try it and see how it would work.  One of my first clients was one of my friends, Sarah.  She was working and didn't have the time to scrapbook her son.   I really enjoyed her project.  I wrote a press release for the Portland Business Journal.  They decided to run a full story on it.  Here is a link to that story: A Scrappy Little Start Up .   I continued to do more scrapbooking for others and did all kinds of cool projects include one for a retiring firefighter which included a few tribute pages for 9/11.

Tomorrow... How PersonalScrapper turned into a kit club :)

Today's Challenge: Journaling
Today's challenge is to include some journaling on your layout. As I look back at all of the years I have been scrapbooking some of my most meaningful layouts are the ones with more detailed journaling!!


arla said...

Erica, thank you for sharing the article; I hadn't seen or heard how you got your business started. Inspiring!
Today's challenge is a real challenge for me, I don't journal much, sometimes it's just a title and date.

Amy Pitts said...

Nice - loved the article. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

Melanie said...

That is really cool Erica!!! I'm so glad you shared it!

Looking forward to hearing how it transitioned to your monthly kit club!

Nancy M in NJ said...

Nice article... glad you expanded your business into kits, too :)