Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Day 12 of PersonalScrapper.com Member Profile blogging


Jewels! It has been so fun to watch Jewels and her family grow over the years. When she joined PersonalScrapper she had one cute little boy and since then has added 2 adorable little girls. She is always super friendly and encouraging on the message board! She loves to participate in our crops and challenges! I love seeing her layouts. Her kids are so adorable!
I hope I get to meet Jewels one day! She would be a lot of fun to scrapbook and hang out with!

Thank you Jewels for being part of PersonalScrapper.com!!

Please leave a comment for her!


Amy Pitts said...

Awww what a great post. I would agree with it all. She is always so welcoming when I pop my head over at PS. Her pages are always so adorable.

Lynette Jacobs said...

We all love you Jewels...your warmth comes through even through cyberspace and you are one awesome scrapper.

Addie said...

Hi Jewels! It's been great seeing your family grow over the years! Hope we get to meet some day!

EmmaJ said...

Jewels, you are so sweet and loving. It has been so fun seeing your family grow and watching you scrap your little girls.

Unknown said...

Jewels, I have loved getting to know you through the MB and through e-mail. I really do hope we can meet up next summer (I think we're going to Cali next summer)!! You are always have such inspirational things to say and you are so devoted to the Lord. I love reading your blog and seeing all the pictures you post! You are such a wonderful person! :o)

aka........Millermath said...

Always love all the embellies and such on your LO's....very inspiring! So glad to have met you at PS.

Lisa in Texas said...

Jewels, love your layouts of your sweet kiddos, my fav part of your layouts is how you write out part of or your whole title, it always looks so cool! I have enjoyed getting to know you on the board and really appreciate all your lovely comments!

Melanie said...

Jewels exudes happiness! She is always so sweet. And her family keeps getting bigger and cuter :)

Lydia said...

Jewels you are an inspiration! You are always so sweet and your layouts are so pretty1 I enjoy seeing your love for your family through the layouts!

Sheila Mayden said...

Your layouts are always great and its been great seeing your family grow over the years!

Melanie said...

Jewels: I always enjoy your layouts! They make me smile since your family always seems so full of love! Your children are adorable too!

AmyInKy said...

Jewels, I have really enjoyed watching your beautiful family grow over the years on your blog and also through your layouts. Thank you also for all the prayers you've said for me over the years. You are a blessing to "know." :)